Last day in Tokyo

Was not sure what I was going to do today, so I didn’t set my alarm and decided to get up when I felt like it. I was still up at a reasonable hour and decided I would first try to check out the Tokyo Sky Tree (assuming crowds were not as bad as the other day) as I figured if I didn’t do this I would probably regret it later. My back was still quite sore today for some reason, and occasionally while turning or bending I had very sharp pains which made for a quite uncomfortable day walking around, but kept pushing on. I skipped grabbing breakfast first up, deciding to find something on the run later (which didn’t happen) and headed straight for the Sky Tree. Although there was a queue, estimated times were only at 40 mins compared to 70 minutes a few days ago (when I also had other things to do) so I lined up and eventually got into the elevator and was on my way up. This ticket allowed me to go to the first observation platform at 350 metres. There were a lot of people, but with a bit of patience and standing around they eventually moved on allowing me up to the glass for a closer look and a chance for photos, but I found looking doing this over their heads works too. The views were great seeing the differences in buildings and areas far and wide. I decided to spend the little bit extra and buy another ticket to head to the second observation platform at 451.2 metres which turned out to be very little difference, but at least I can now say I have been to the top (well as far as the public can go, the tower is actually 634 metres with all the broadcasting and communications equipment up above). By the time I slowly moved my way around the levels through the crowds a few hours had already passed, so by the time I came down I was getting hungry. It’s sad to say I had McDonalds again, but at least today I didn’t have it for breakfast and I have made it a point not to have it for dinner any night. Feeling like being a pig, I ordered their Mega Mac which is basically a supersized version of the Big Mac, and after eating it I really didn’t feel very healthy. Wondering where to go next I looked at my map for ideas and spotted the district of Ueno a few stops away which I know has a zoo in the large public park. Lately I have felt like I am over zoo’s, however I wanted to have a look at the giant panda’s, and at only just over $6 to get in it was a bargain. The zoo was quite good with a large range of animals, however as with any zoo in a smallish space some of the enclosures felt a bit small for the type of animals. It was fairly neat and tidy, however did feel a bit run down. Even though it was busy, with the minimal entry costs it is probably just covers the cost to keep it running. Picking and choosing my way through the animals and skipping most of those I have seen at every other zoo I have ever been to, most of the day now gone. I decided to head for home with a stop at Akihabara on the way through to finally grab these keyboards I have been chasing (plus another bag from the bag shop as I have run out of space to bring stuff home, which also means excess luggage fees). Arriving back at the room I took it easy for a while until dark, and then headed out for a night photo opportunity of Tokyo Tower (basically next door to the hotel) and to find some dinner. I decided tonight to visit a more traditional Japanese establishment, and told myself I would be happy just to order from a picture if needed. I did find a place however that had some English translations, so headed on in to find orders are placed on a machine and tickets then handed over so the chef knows what to cook. With a bit of help from the staff I was sorted, beer in hand, and having a seat at the counter. It was a great spot to sit as I could watch the chef doing his thing, and even managed to sneak in a couple of photos while pretending to use my phone. I find it funny in these sort of places that feel very Japanese that they have the western music we hear on the radio everyday playing. Food was great, and after thanking the chef and telling him food was “oishee”, I left with a very full belly. With a bit of bag packing and reorganising upon returning home, I called it a day. I plan to head out for a little bit first thing in the morning to see if there are any performers in Yoyogi Park, before heading back to the hotel to check out and head over the bay to Disneyland for my last 4 nights in Japan.